Saturday, August 30, 2008

Aloe vera / Korphad / Kumari/ Ghirita/ Gawarpaltra

1. Ulcers & skin problems - Mix 1 cup of Aloe gel. One cup of sesame oil , one cup of neem leaf juice with half cup of bitter gourd leaf juice, half cup of tulsi leaf juice and half cup of jasmine leaf juice. Grind 15 embryos of cotton seed and 2 garlic heads into a paste. Mix all ingredients and heat them gently for about an hour. Mix constantly to avoid burning.When the cream no longer sticks to the vessel and becomes oily , remove from flame. On cooling it may be kept in jars at room temperature. The final mixture heals all kinds of ulcers and skin problems on applying.

2. Digestive powers & liver functioning- Mix 1 ounce of aloe gel, 5 ground black pepper grains, a bit of fresh ginger. Add lemon to taste and sweeten with a little honey or raw sugar drink this mixture every morning on an empty stomach and prepare it daily. Continue the treatment for 3 months in order to improve your digestive powers & your liver functioning

3. Cut & wounds - Apply aloe gel on your cut or wound. It will heal fast

4. Painful legs - Apply aloe gel with lemon on painful legs. This treatment is highly recommended for pregnant women.

Athlete's foot: Apply aloe vera juice twice daily over the affected areas.

Burns: Cut fresh Aloe vera leaves and put it on the burnt area for 30 minutes.

Canker sores: Rinse your mouth with aloe juice. If the sore is too bad, then apply it on the sore using a cotton ball.

Cellulite: Apply Aloe Vera gel in the problem areas and massage it gently for 10 minutes.

Corns and calluses: Make a paste by combining one teaspoon of aloe vera gel with one half teaspoon of turmeric. Cover the corn or callus with the paste and bandaged overnight. It should be soaked in warm water every morning,

Psoriasis: Apply aloe vera gel daily over the affected areas.

Varicose vain: Give a daily massage (very gently and never too strong) in the affected area with aloe vera to relieve itching.


The juice from the aloe vera plant is another natural home remedy that is used to soothe an irritated esophagus. Although there isn’t any scientific evidence that it might help, aloe vera juice has a long history of use in Europe as a natural home remedy to relive heartburn.

Typically, approximately 1/4 cup of aloe vera juice is taken (by adults) approximately 20 minutes before a meal.

The aloe vera should not contain any aloe latex, aloin, or aloe-emoin compounds, substances in the aloe plant that are very powerful laxatives. Aloe gel should not be taken directly from the plant as a home remedy, as the gel can be contaminated with the latex. Only gel or juice preparations specifically for internal use should be used.

Acne Home Remedy - Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is one of the ancient plants used in Medicines all over the world. It is due to its healing properties that it is renowned as Wonder Plant in herbal medicines. There is a long list of Medical problems in which a persistent use of aloe Vera to partial or complete cure. Commonly it is used to relieve heartburn, arthritis, asthma, urinary tract infections, prostate problems and studies have shown that it has an effect on lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics. As far as skin is concerned aloe extracts had been used for the treatment of burns, wounds, eczema, psoriasis, allergic reactions, dry skin, and infective lesions for centuries but for thousands of years. Now it is known that Aloe Plant also promotes the healing process of active acne lesions. Another benefit of aloe is that it can prevent scaring, fade marks and help heal acne spots. Nowadays many researches are going on about the medical properties of aloe plant almost in every field of Medicine. These have revealed the role of Aloe Vera in healing active acne lesions as well as acne scars. Now it is an established fact that aloe ingredients have; * A natural anti inflammatory effect which speeds up the healing process of acne. * Moisturizing properties thus hydrate the skin and prevent it from becoming dry and blistered. * A mild astringent effect that prevents excessive oil production. * Revitalizing effects on skin hence results in fresh and clear skin. But one thing must be kept in mind that Aloe Plant is not the eventual treatment for acne but it has supportive role in the healing process. How to Use Aloe Plant for Acne Aloe Plant can be utilized in multiple ways. It can be taken as raw plant, as a part of home remedies or in the form of ready to use products. Orally as Raw Plant. For acne treatment, use approximately one teaspoonful of Aloe Vera lump daily. It is an easy plant to grow and requires little care, so it can be easily grown in kitchen garden or even in pots. If you are interested in giving your acne a trial of aloe Vera it is better to grow it at home. Alternatively, aloe juice or aloe drinks can be taken. Such drinks are easily available in the market or aloe extract may be obtained at home. As a Part of Home Remedies; This is a well known acne home remedy to apply aloe lump topically over the affected area. Although there are hundreds of brands available in the market as Aloe gels, Aloe Creams or Aloe lotions, but you can not trust on their quality unless you read Aloe Vera at the top of ingredient list. Therefore using fresh and raw Aloe extract is advisable and recommended.

Uses: It is useful for X ray burns, Dermatitis, Cutaneous and disorders of skin. Drug from juice is tonic and is used in jaundice, ameneorrhoea, atonic and piles. Aloe Vera Gel has the remarkable ability to heal wounds, ulcer and burns.

TULSI / Trittavu / Manjari / Holy BASIL

Common Name: Tulsi (Hindi), Manjari/Krishna tulsi (Sanskrit), Trittavu (Malayalam), Tulshi (Marathi) and Thulsi (Tamil & Telegu). It is called Holy Basil in English

# Acidity:

Grind equal amounts of the dried blossoms of basil, bark of the Neem (Margosa) tree, and black pepper into a homogenous mixture. Take a level teaspoonful of this powder morning and evening with a draft of water, but do not drink milk immediately after. The acidity will be removed from the body with the sweat and urine.

# Blood pressure:
The drinking of basil-leaf tea keeps the blood pressure even.

# Cataract:
Mix a little honey with the juice of the basil leaves and apply over the eyes every morning and evening. Fresh cases are dissolved without surgery, while chronic ones are rendered "ripe" so as to be surgically removed.

# Colds & Cough:
Make a fine powder of the following:

--Basil leaves (dried in shade) 300 gms
--Cinnamon 50 gms
--Bey leaf 100 gms
--Aniseeds (fennel) 200 gms
--Cardamom 200 gms
--Red sandal-wood 200 gms
--Dried orange-peel 25 gms

Take two teaspoonfuls of this mixture and boil it with about 500 ml water till half the quantity of water is left. Add honey (and milk if preferred) and drink it like tea twice a day.

# Earache:
Add a little tincture of camphor to the juice of 10 leaves of basil. Instill a drop or two of the mixture in the ear for instant relief.

# Eye troubles:
The juice of basil leaves mixed with honey is recommended for all sorts of eye troubles associated with pain and burning sensation. The mixture may be stored in an air-tight bottle. In the case of trachoma, grind ten leaves of basil with a clove and apply to the eyes every four hours. For swelling of the eyes, the juice of the leaves of basil with a pinch of alum applied to the eyes is prescribed.

# Epilepsy:
Massage the body daily with the juice of basil leaves (a massage oil may be made with a mineral oil base and the essential oil of basil). Make a habit of smelling the blossoms of basil (essential oil of the blossoms) kept in a handkerchief; also grow a basil plant somewhere near the bedroom. During loss of consciousness during an attack, grind 11 leaves of basil, add a pinch of salt to it and instill a few drops of this juice in the nostrils of the patient.

# Flatulence:
Mix together 10 gms of basil juice, 10 gms of dry ginger and 20 gms of jaggery (raw sugar); make small tablets/pills/capsules from this mixture. Take a pill/capsule swallowed with a little water three times a day. It is advisable to either fast or to eat only easily digestible foods during the period of the treatment.

# Female disorders:
Basil juice is a good tonic for women and its regular use keeps them free from the disorders of the female generative organs.

# Fever/Flu:
Boil about 10 gms of basil leaves in 250 ml water till the water is reduced to 125 ml, then add a little rock salt to taste. This tea produces immediate sweating and relieves the fever. An option is to drink tea made of basil leaves, black pepper, and candy sugar.

# Hoarseness:
Add a little honey to the juice of 10 basil leaves and lick slowly. A spoonful is sufficient to restore the voice.

# Hair loss:
Massage the scalp evenly with the oil of basil and after an hour or so wash the hair with cold water. Good for dandruff too.

# Heart ailments:
As basil has a positive effect over blood pressure and also a de-toxicant, its regular use prevents heart attacks. A tonic may be prepared by mixing 1 gm of dry basil leaves with a spoonful of butter and some candy sugar or honey. Take twice a day; first thing in the morning and before going to bed at night. The wearing of a garland of basil stalks is said to prevent heart attacks. It was common to see Englishmen wearing these “necklaces” during the 19th century in India.

# Hysteria:
Smell the crushed leaves of basil and drink the juice of five basil leaves.

# Indigestion:
Crush a few basil leaves with a little rock salt and swallow with a little water. Drinking the tea made of dried basil leaves also gives quick relief by inducing sweating and urination.

# Insomnia:
The best solution to this tricky problem is to place a few leaves of basil inside the pillow; a specific number of 51 is prescribed, with 50 being placed inside the pillow case and the 51st being chewed upon by the patient. Basil leaves may also be placed around the corners and head of the bed under the bed sheet.

# Itching:
Massage the itching areas with the juice of basil leaves. In chronic cases, make a massage oil by mixing two parts of basil juice with one part of sesame/mineral oil and warming over a water bath; cool and store in a bottle. Use this oil for itches of any type for local relief. For a permanent cure, see a qualified Homoeopathic physician.

# Jaundice:
Add two teaspoons of basil juice to 50ml of radish juice; sweeten with a little jaggery (raw sugar). Drink this juice twice or three times a day for a month for total relief.

# Kidney ailments:
Basil juice is unparalleled in the treatment of all sorts of kidney troubles. Soak overnight about 5-7 gms (one teaspoonful) of Basil seeds in water; next morning grind the seeds with candy sugar and drink the combination. Copious micturition will be induced and soon the congestion will be relieved and infection (if any) will be removed.

# Leucoderma (vitiligo):
(a) To a little basil juice add a few drops of lime-juice and apply on the affected area.
(b) Grind 10gms of basil leaves with a clove of garlic and apply the paste on the affected area daily for 10 days. It is also advised to chew 5 basil leaves every morning, afternoon, and evening or licking a mixture of basil juice and honey in addition to the local application.

# Lethargy:
The tea made from dried basil leaves is an instant pick-me-up and drunk regularly, keeps one free from colds and other ailments associated with phlegm in the body.

# Migraine:
Dry some basil blossoms in the shade and grind to a fine powder; mix two grams of the powder with a dessert-spoonful of honey and lick it slowly. A second dose, if needed, may be taken in the evening. An excellent remedy, when others have failed (AKN)!

# Malaria:
Grind 1gm of black pepper in 10 gms of basil juice and administer at two hour intervals for 5 to six days. In addition give the patient basil tea. The fever along with the malarial symptoms will be totally relieved in a couple of days. This treatment should be effective in Dengue too (AKN).

# Nose-bleeding (epistaxis):
Keep some basil blossoms with you and smell them every now and again. In chronic cases, a drop of the essence of basil blossom put in the handkerchief and smelt at intervals cures the problem almost totally. Drinking basil juice with honey is also recommended.

# Paralysis/hemiplegia :
Massage the affected limbs with the oil of basil or boil a few leaves of basil in 200ml of water; when cool, strain and use this water for massage. The internal intake of the juice is also recommended.

# Pneumonia:
Rub the oil of basil on the chest of the patient and give internally the juice of 5 leaves of basil mixed with a little ground black pepper at six hourly intervals. This will induce sweating and relieve the patient.

# Skin:
Basil leaves’ juice is an astringent and excellent tonic for the skin.

# Sluggish liver:
Grind the following into a homogenous powder: Basil leaves 5 nos; Cummin seeds (roasted)2 gms; Rock salt (black)2 gms. To this mixture add an equal amount of the kernel of wood-apple and then combine the whole with 100 gms of yogurt and eat it with a meal or by itself. For most digestive disorders, a spoonful of a mixture of basil juice and ginger juice gives prompt relief.

# Stones (bladder):
Make the patient sit on a steam bath prepared with about 100 gms of basil blossoms to a liter of water. Continue treatment daily for a week. Depending on the size and nature of the calculii, they should dissolve and be flushed out with the urine.

# T.B.:
Grind 5 gms each of basil leaves and black pepper and mix with a spoon of honey. The patient should take this twice daily for about two months. In the winter, a little ginger juice and a pinch of salt may also be added. Externally, a mixture of basil and ginger juice may be rubbed over the chest.

# Urinary troubles:
Soak overnight about a teaspoonful of basil seeds in water and in the morning grind them with a little candy sugar and drink in two doses--morning and afternoon. A week’s treatment should clear up all symptoms.

# Whooping cough:
Grind together equal amounts of basil leaves and black pepper and add a little honey so as to have a consistency to make small tablets. These tablets, sucked slowly, should be taken four times a day. In the case of dry cough, take a mixture of equal amounts of the juices of basil seeds, ginger and onion. In the case of loose cough, add candy sugar.

The leaves of tulsi are a nervine tonic and also sharpen memory. They promote the removal of the catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tube. Tulsi leaves strengthen the stomach and induce copious perspiration. The seed of the tulsi plant are mucilaginous. Below are some of the uses of tulsi.

Anxiety and Stress

Tulsi leaves are regarded as an adaptogen or anti-stress agent. Even healthy persons can chew 12 leaves of the basil, twice a day, to prevent stress. It purifies blood and helps prevent several common elements.

Common Cold & Fever

The leaves of tulsi are specific for many fevers. During the rainy season, when malaria and dengue fever are widely prevalent, tender tulsi leaves, boiled with tea, act as preventive against theses diseases. In case of acute fevers, a decoction of the tulsi leaves boiled with powdered cardamom in half a liter of water and mixed with sugar and milk brings down the temperature.
The juice of tulsi leaves can be used to bring down fever. Extract of tulsi leaves in fresh water is given every 2 to 3 hours. Tulsi is also an important constituent of many Ayurvedic cough syrups and expectorants. It helps to mobilize mucus in bronchitis and asthma. Chewing tulsi leaves relieves cold and flu.

Sore Throat

Water boiled with tulsi leaves can be taken as drink in case of sore throat. This water can also be used as a gargle.

Respiratory disorder

The tulsi herb is useful in the treatment of respiratory system disorder. A decoction of the tulsi leaves, with honey and ginger is an effective remedy for bronchitis, asthma, influenza, cough and cold. A decoction of the tulsi leaves, cloves and common salt also gives immediate relief in case of influenza. They should be boiled in half a liter of water till only half the water is left and add then taken.

Kidney Stone

Tulsi can have a strengthening effect on the kidney. In case of renal stone, the juice of tulsi leaves and honey, if taken regularly for 6 months, can expel them via the urinary tract.

Heart disorder

Tulsi has a beneficial effect in cardiac disease and the weakness resulting from them. It reduces the level of blood cholesterol. As 'Tulsi' (basil) has a positive effect over blood pressure and also a de-toxicant, its regular use prevents heart attacks. A tonic may be prepared by mixing 1 gm of dry 'Tulsi' leaves with a spoonful of butter and some candy sugar or honey. Take twice a day; first thing in the morning and before going to bed at night. The drinking of Tulsi-leaf tea keeps the blood pressure even.

Children’s ailments

Common pediatric problems like cough cold, fever, diarrhea and vomiting respond favorably to the juice of tulsi basil leaves. If pustules of chicken pox delay their appearance, tulsi leaves taken with saffron will hasten them.

Mouth infections

The tulsi leaves are quit effective for the ulcer and infections in the mouth. A few leaves chewed will cure these conditions.

Insect Bites

The tulsi herb is a prophylactic; a preventive and curative for insect stings or bites. A teaspoonful of the juice of the tulsi leaves is taken and a repeated after a few hours. Fresh tulsi juice must also be applied to the affected parts. A paste of fresh roots is also effective in case of bites of insects and leeches. The juice of the leaves is used as an antidote for snake and scorpion bites.
Skin disorders

Applied locally, basil juice is beneficial in the treatment of ringworm and other skin diseases. It has also been tried successfully by some naturopaths I, the treatment of leucoderma.

Eye disorders

Tulsi basil juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night-blindness, which is generally caused by deficiency of vitamin A.

Teeth disorder

The tulsi herb is useful in teeth disorders. Its leaves, dried in the sun and powdered, can be used for brushing teeth. It can also be mixed with mustered oil to make a paste and used as toothpaste. This is very good for maintaining dental health , counter acting bad breath and for massaging the gums. It is also useful in pyorrhea and other teeth disorders.


Tulsi makes a good medicine for headache. A decoction of the leaves can be given for this disorder. Pounded leaves mixed with sandalwood paste can also be applied on the forehead for getting relief from heat, headache, and for providing coolness in general.

Antimicrobial effects

Essential oil of Tulsi have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It inhibits the growth of E coli, B.anthracis, M.tuberculosis etc. Its antitubercular activity is one-tenth the potency of streptomycin and one-fourth that of isoniazid. Preperations containing Tulsi extract significantly shorten the course of illness, clinical symptoms and the biochemical parameters in patients with VIRAL HEPATITS and viral encephalitis.

Antimalarial effects

Essential oil of Tulsi has been reported to possess 100% larvicidal activity against the Culex mosquitoes. Trials have shown excellent antimalarial activity of Tulsi. Its extracts have marked incecticidal activity against mosquitoes.It's repellant action lasts for about two hours.

Antifertility effect

One of the major constituents of the leaves, ursolic acid has been reported to possess antifertility activity in rats and mice. This effect has been attributed to its antiestrogenic effect which may be responsible for arrest of spermatogenesis in males and inhibitory effecton implantation of ovum in females. This constituent may prove to be a promising antifertility agent devoid of side effects.

Anti diabetic effect

A randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over single blind trial on 40 human volunteers suffering from Type II diabetes was performed. During the four week trial, subjects alternately received a daily dose of 2.5 g of Tulsi leaves powder or a placebo for two week periods. The results showed 17.6 % reduction in fasting blood glucose and 7.3% decline in postprandial blood glucose on treatment with Tulsi as compared to the blood glucose levels during treatment with placebo.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Fenugreek is the ripe, dried fruit of an annual leguminous herb. Both seeds and plant of this herb is used in Indian cuisine.

The dried leaves of the fenugreek is used as a quality flavour for meat, fish and vegetable dishes. It acts as a medicine as well as an embalming agent. Fenugreek seeds are rich in vitamin E and is one of the earliest spices known to man.

The composition of seed on an average is given below:
Moisture:6.3 %
Protein:9.5 %
Fat:10.0 %
Carbohydrates:42.3 %
Total ash:13.4 %
Calcium:1.3 %
Phosphorus:0.48 %
Iron:0.011 %
Sodium:0.09 %
Potassium:1.7 % Vitamin B1:0.41 mg/100 g
Vitamin B2:0.36 mg/100 g.
Niacin:6.0 mg/100 g
Vitamin C:12.0 mg/100g
Vitamin A:1040 I.U./100 g
Calorific value:370 calories/100g
Gums:23.06 %
Mucilage:28.00 %.

In nutshell, fenugreek seed contains many substances like protein, starch, sugars, mucilage, mineral matters, volatile oil, fixed oil, vitamins and enzymes. Seeds are rich in essential amino acids.
Fenugreek leaves and stems are also rich in calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Although fresh leaves contain only 3 to 5 % protein, on dry basis, they are comparable to pulses.

Indian names are as follows:
Sanskrit: Methi, Jyoti, Chandrika, Mantha
Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Urdu:Methi
Malayalam:Ventayan, Uluva
Tamil:Vendayam, Venthiyam
Telugu:Menthulu, Mentulu.
Other Names: Alhova, Bird's Foot, Greek Clover, Greek Hay, Hu Lu Ba, Trigonella, Trigonella foenum-graecum

Attributed Medicinal Properties
Fenugreek is a digestive aid. As an emollient it is used in poultices for boils, cysts and other complaints. Reducing the sugar level of the blood, it is used in diabetes in conjunction with insulin. It also lowers blood pressure. Fenugreek relieves congestion, reduces inflammation and fights infection. Fenugreek contains natural expectorant properties ideal for treating sinus and lung congestion, and loosens & removes excess mucus and phlegm. Fenugreek is also an excellent source of selenium, an anti-radiant which helps the body utilize oxygen. Fenugreek is a natural source of iron, silicon, sodium and thiamine. Fenugreek contains mucilagins which are known for soothing and relaxing inflamed tissues. Fenugreek stimulates the production of mucosal fluids helping remove allergens and toxins from the respiratory tract. Acting as an expectorant, Fenugreek alleviates coughing, stimulates perspiration to reduce fevers, and is beneficial for treating allergies, bronchitis and congestion. In the East, beverages are made from the seed to ease stomach trouble. The chemical make-up is curiously similar to cod liver oil, for which a decoction of the seed is sometimes used as a substitute. Many other properties are ascribed to it in India and the East and not surprisingly include aphrodisiac.

Fenugreek and breastfeeding - Fenugreek seeds contain hormone precursors that increase milk supply. Scientists do not know for sure how this happens. Some believe it is possible because breasts are modified sweat glands, and fenugreek stimulates sweat production. It has been found that fenugreek can increase a nursing mother's milk supply within 24 to 72 hours after first taking the herb. Once an adequate level of milk production is reached, most women can discontinue the fenugreek and maintain the milk supply with adequate breast stimulation. Many women today take fenugreek in a pill form (ground seeds placed in capsules). The pills can be found at most vitamin and nutrition stores and at many supermarkets and natural foods stores. Fenugreek can also be taken in tea form, although tea is believed to be less potent than the pills and the tea comes with a bitter taste that can be hard to stomach.

Fenugreek is not right for everyone. The herb has caused aggravated asthma symptoms in some women and has lowered blood glucose levels in some women with diabetes.

What is it used for ? - Fenugreek seeds are ground and roasted and used to flavor to curry. The seeds are also soaked and then powdered and used to make lip balm and tonic. The seeds can be used to make tea, which can reduce fever and menstrual pains, or they can be used in an ointment to treat skin infections. The seeds have also been used to increase libido in men and serve as an aphrodisiac. Ground seeds are often used to give a maple flavor to sweets and candies. Ground seeds are also used to flavor cattle food, including different vegetable meals and hays. Fenugreek's leaves, which are high in iron, are used in salads. Taken internally, fenugreek is used to treat bronchitis, coughs, respiratory problems, sinus conditions and to increase milk supply (see more below).

Fenugreek is often cited as a natural remedy for asthma. However, inhalation of the powder can cause asthma and allergic symptoms. Some mothers have reported that it worsened their asthma symptoms.

Abnormal menstrual cycles:
Fenugreek is considered to be an emmenagogue (promotes menstrual flow). It may cause breakthrough menstrual bleeding, use fenugreek with caution if you have a history of abnormal menstrual cycles.

Fenugreek is often cited as a natural remedy for migraines. However, iit may trigger a migraine and/or contribute to the duration and severity of a migraine.

Blood pressure problems or heart disease:
Fenugreek is commonly reported to lower blood pressure and LDL blood cholesterol levels. However, few sources suggest that it may cause or contribute to hypertension (high blood pressure), avoid this herb if you have a history of hypertension, or if there is a strong family history of hypertension or heart disease.

SKIN Related
It is used externally as a poultice for local inflammation of the skin, boils, leg ulcers, and eczema. The poultice is prepared by soaking the powdered fenugreek seeds in hot water. Today the Chinese use fenugreek to treat abdominal pain, hernia, and oedema.

Post-delivery cases
Take 250 gm of crushed methi seeds and fry these in ghee with one kilogram of wheat flour and then add the same amount of sugar to it. Two teaspoonfuls of this combination, if given daily with warm milk in post delivery cases, help in quick normalisation besides promoting sufficient lactation in nursing mothers.

Sandhivata /Arthritis /Sciatica /Low backache

Methi is supposed to be natural cure for arthritis. According to ayurveda, the cause of arthritis is a noxious gas produced within the human body known as Va and the gas that causes joint arthritis is known as Sandhiva.
During the course of time, intestines fill with undigested food particles which become glued to the intestine lining. These particles create several different layers in the intestine and act as chemicals that release gases with different constituents. The gas, sandhiva, finds refuge in the joints and creates pressure, immobilizing them and making movement painful, due to inflamation. Methi, if consumed twice a day, cleans the intestines and directs the waste out of the body naturally.

Sciatica and low backache: Seasoned ayurvedic physicians advise patients to use methi seeds in the Sciatica-Lumbago Syndrome and also in the early stage of rheumatoid arthritis. For this purpose, 1 gm of the powder of methi and sonth each is given with a little jaggery and warm water two or three times a day.

Hair Fall/Dandruff/Wrinkles

The fresh juice of Methi leaves prevents hair fall. You can massage it in your hair, particularly the roots, to get rid of dandruff and promote new hair growth. It can also be used in a facepack to reduce wrinkles.

Kidney Stones/Colon Cancer
Some evidence suggests that fenugreek may also have other medical uses. It may reduce the amounts of calcium oxalate in the kidneys. Calcium oxalate often contributes to kidney stones. In animal studies, fenugreek also appeared to lessen the chance of developing colon cancer by blocking the action of certain enzymes. It may have some ability to protect the liver against damage from alcohol and other chemicals, but much further research is needed to prove or disprove all these possible uses of fenugreek.

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